Links and Resources

Organizations Concerned with Child Maltreatment

Note: The following organizations are among many that are concerned with child maltreatment. Inclusion on this list is for information purposes and does not constitute an endorsement by the Leadership Council.
The mission of 1in6 is to help men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood live healthier, happier lives. Their mission also includes serving girlfriends, wives, partners, family members and friends by providing information and support resources on the web. 1in6 is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) organization.

740 15th St., NW

Washington, DC 20005

PHONE: (202) 662-1720

(800) 285-2221 (Service Center)

FAX: (202) 662-1755



Promotes improvement of laws and policies affecting children and provides education in child-related law.

This site provides a well organized index of links to sites dealing with rape, child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, prevention, etc.
The AACAP is a non-profit organization established in 1953. It is a membership based organization, composed of child and adolescent psychiatrists and other interested physicians. Its members actively research, evaluate, diagnose, and treat psychiatric disorders and pride themselves on giving direction to and responding quickly to new developments in addressing the health care needs of children and their families.

Children’s Division

63 Inverness Dr., East

Englewood, CO 80112-5117

PHONE: (800) 227-4645

(303) 792-9900

FAX: (303) 792-5333



Conducts research, analysis, and training to help public and private agencies respond to child maltreatment.

407 South Dearborn St., Suite 1300

Chicago , IL60605

PHONE: (312) 554-0166

FAX: (312) 554-0919


APSAC’s mission is to ensure that everyone affected by child maltreatment receives the best possible professional response. This organization has many useful scholarly and clinical materials focused primarily at the professional audience. Provides professional education, promotes research to inform effective practice, and addresses public policy issues.

99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 510

Alexandria, VA 22314

Telephone: 703-549-9222

Fax: 703-836-3195


APRI as a non-profit research and program development resource for prosecutors at all levels of government. It is a national clearinghouse for information on the prosecutorial function.

APA Division of Trauma Psychology.

A division of the American Psychological Association

The Division of Trauma Psychology, was established in 2006 by a joint effort of researchers, clinicians, educators, and public policy experts with an interest in the psychological effects of trauma. This division provides a forum for scientific research, professional and public education, and the exchange of collegial support for professional activities related to traumatic stress.

The Angela Shelton Foundation

The Angela Shelton Foundation was born out of the amazing response from the documentary Searching for Angela Shelton. With the intent of surveying women in America, Shelton drove around the country and met other Angela Sheltons. She found that 70% of the 40 Angelas she spoke to had been victims of rape, childhood sexual abuse or domestic violence, herself included.

This site seeks to create and maintain a user-friendly online site that provides the resources needed to help survivors heal. In answer to the thousands of emails, Angela has started an online Survivor Manual with new entries weekly. There is also an email list with updates about the Angela Shelton Foundation.

4900 S.W. Griffith Drive, Suite 274

Beaverton, Oregon 97005

Phone: (503) 643-1023


ATSA is an international professional association which strives to improve techniques for the evaluation and treatment of sex offenders. Publishes Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment which provides a forum for the latest original research and scholarly reviews on both clinical and theoretical aspects of sexual abuse.

Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health

Features a set of fact sheets and articles related to PTSD.

The Awareness Center, Inc.

The Jewish Coalition Against Sexual Abuse/Assault (JCASA)

P.O. Box 65273

Baltimore, MD 21209


The Awareness Center is a nonprofit group that addresses the issue and ramifications of sexual victimization to both adults and children in Jewish Communities.

David Baldwin’s Trauma Info Pages

David Baldwin’s listing of Web resources on clinical and research aspects of trauma responses and their resolution.

988 River Road

Piscataway, NJ 08854

Phone: 732-878-1409

Fax: 732-878-1357

The CPC is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to protecting children from risk of exposure to sexual, emotional and physical domestic violence. It seeks to advance the welfare of children who are at risk or who may become at risk or are the subject of court proceedings by providing: clinical services and evaluations for such children and their families; child protection training to attorneys, advocates, judges, magistrates, legal and medical staff involved in such cases; and expert witness services for the purpose of educating finders of fact and law about child protection.

The Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence

The CSPV researchs the causes of violence and the effectiveness of prevention and intervention programs, and offers technical assistance for the evaluation and development of violence prevention programs.

P.O. Box 6403

1125 Jefferson Street

Napa, CA


(707) 226-6675

The Child Abuse Forensic Institute (CAFI) is a nonprofit institute that focuses on helping people navigate the legal system when child abuse is at issue. CAFI has access to experienced independent associates throughout the country to handle all aspects of a child abuse court case for anyone affected, including abused children, protective parents, and the accused. Through their network, representation is available in all aspects of allegations, including, but not limited to, dependency, family law, guardian ad litem, amicus, criminal law, and personal injury.

15757 North 78th St.

Scottsdale , AZ85260

PHONE: (800) 4-A-CHILD

(800) 2-A-CHILD (TDD line)

(480) 922-8212

FAX: (480) 922-7061



Provides crisis counseling to adult survivors and child victims of child abuse, offenders, and parents. Operates national hotline.

The ChildTrauma Academy

The ChildTrauma Academy is a unique collaborative of individuals and organizations working to improve the lives of high-risk children through direct service, research and education. These efforts are in partnership with the public and private systems that are mandated to protect, heal and educate children. The work of the Academy has been supported, in part, by grants from Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, the Children’s Justice Act, the Court Improvement Act and through innovative partnerships with academic and corporate partners such as Powered, Inc., Scholastic, Inc. and Digital Consulting and Software Services.

Child Trend Data Bank

This Data Bank is a user-friendly site providing continuously updated trend data with the latest national estimates on child and youth well-being. It currently provides over 70 indicators of health, social and emotional development, income and work, education, demographics, and family and community.

Child Welfare Information Gateway

A service of the Children’s Bureau , Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Provides access to information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families. Visit often for the latest on a wide range of topics from prevention to permanency, including child welfare, child abuse and neglect, foster care, and adoption.

Children’s Bureau – Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

National resource for professionals seeking information on the prevention, identification, and treatment of child abuse.

25 E St., NW

Washington , DC 20001

PHONE: (202) 628-8787

FAX: (202) 662-3540



Provides technical assistance to State and local child advocates, gathers and disseminates data on children, and advocates for children’s issues.

DART Center for Journalism and Trauma

Resources for Journalists covering stories of a traumatic nature.

End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes (ECPAT)

ECPAT is a network of organisations and individuals working together for the elimination of child prostitution, child pornography and trafficking of children for sexual purposes. It seeks to encourage the world community to ensure that children everywhere enjoy their fundamental rights free from all forms of commercial sexual exploitation.

The European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

Information on the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.

Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institue (FVSAI)

International resource center in the areas of family violence, child maltreatment, sexual assault, and spouse/partner abuse. Publishes Family Violence & Sexual Assault Bulletin.


Provides information on a wide range of legal subjects including legal news, information about cases and codes.

Dr. Richard Gartner’s website

Dr. Gartner is a psychologist and psychoanalyst who specializes in the treatment of sexually abused men. Dr. Gartner is the author of several articles and books including Betrayed as Boys . Many of Dr. Gartner’s articles are reprinted on the “Writings” page of this website.

Gift From Within

A nonprofit organization which distributes educational materials to survivors of trauma, contains articles and resources related to trauma and PTSD.


This site provides ratings of hospitals, hospices, physicians, nursing homes, home health agencies, health care plans (HMOs, PPOs, & other), dentists, chiropractors, mammography facilities, birth centers, fertility clinics, naturopathic physicians, assisted living residences, etc.

The hospital ratings show both objective data (e.g., survival rates for each procedure) and subjective data (e.g., patient satisfaction ratings) for the hospital. Hospitals can be selected by name, by state or zip code, by procedure or diagnosis, etc.

1630 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 500

Washington , DC 20009

Phone: (202) 612-4321

Fax: (202) 612-4333



Human Rights Watch is an independent, nongovernmental organization, dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. It seeks to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice.

8400 Westpark Drive, Second Floor,

McLean, VA 22102

Telephone: 703/610-9037

Fax: 703/610-0234


A not-for-profit professional organization promoting research and training in the identification, treatment, and prevention of dissociative disorders.

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), founded in 1985, is a membership organization that provides a forum for the sharing of research, clinical strategies, public policy concerns and theoretical formulations on trauma in the United States and around the world.

2600 Southwest Freeway, Suite 806

Houston, TX 77098

Phone: 1-800-733-0059


Justice for Children is a national non-profit organization which advocates for children’s rights and protection from abuse through public education, development of effective intervention and prevention strategies, and legal advocacy.

Lamplighters, Peer support for adult survivors of child sexual abuse, victims of domestic violence, rape and sexual assault. Emphasizes the importance of repairing the damage.

National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds (ACT)

The National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds initiates and engages in national efforts that assist state Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds in strengthening families to prevent child abuse and neglect. This includes promoting and supporting a system of services, laws, practices, and attitudes that supports families by enabling them to provide their children with a safe, healthy, and nurturing childhood.

National Association of Child Advocates

Founded in 1984, NACA is a nationwide network of nonpartisan, multi-issue child advocacy organizations. The NACA is the only national organization devoted to building the capacity of state and local child advocacy organizations.

825 Marion Street, Suite 340

Denver, CO 80218

Phone: 1-888-828-NACC


NACC is a non-profit professional membership organization dedicated to quality representation and protection of children in the legal system. Their mission is to improve the lives of children and families through legal advocacy. The NACC provides training and technical assistance to attorneys and other professionals, serves as a public information and professional referral center, and engages in public policy and legislative advocacy.

The NACC Amicus Curiae Program promotes the legal interests of children through the filing of amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs in state and federal appellate courts.

at Yale University

Child Study Center

230 South Frontage Road

P.O. Box 207900

New Haven, CT 06520-7900

Telephone: (877) 496-2238

Facsimile: (203) 785-4608


The mission of the NCCEV is to increase the capacity of individuals and communities to reduce the incidence and impact of violence on children and families; to train and support the professionals who provide intervention and treatment to children and families affected by violence; and, to increase professional and public awareness of the effects of violence on children, families, communities and society.

Attn: Keri Pierce, Center Director

PO Box 26901, Room 3B3406

Oklahoma City, OK 73190

(405) 271-8858

(405) 271-2510 fax

The National Center on Sexual Behavior of Youth is a national training and technical assistance center developed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. The Center is designed to provide states, territories, and the District of Columbia with information and support through national training and technical assistance in the management of children with sexual behavior problems and adolescent sex offenders.

99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 510

Alexandria, VA 22314

PHONE: (703) 739-0321

FAX: (703) 836-3195


Offers information and assistance to prosecutors, investigators, and professionals involved in child abuse litigation.

National Center for PTSD

The National Center for PTSD is a program of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The primary focus of the Center has been combat veterans and their families. Over the last few years, however, this focus has been expanded. There are many useful programs, activities and resources for anyone interested in the effects of traumatic stressors. Home to the PILOTS Database, an electronic index to the worldwide literature on PTSD and other mental-health sequelae of exposure to traumatic events .

National Center for Victims of Crime

Provides services and resources to crime victims and advocates for laws that secure victims’ rights literature

Provides services and resources to crime victims and advocates for laws that secure victims’ rights literature

National Children’s Alliance

516 C Street NE

Washington, DC 20002

Phone: 202/548-0090 or 800/239-9950

Fax: 202/548-0099



Assists communities in planning, establishing, and improving Children’s Advocacy Centers.

National Coalition for Family Justice

The National Coalition for Family Justice, a grassroots, gender neutral, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1988 by Monica Getz, is forming a new Advisory Board to address the issues surrounding accountability and ethical behavior on the part of judges, attorneys, and other professionals operating in our country’s courts, particularly as they relate to cases involving family violence, children’s rights, and child custody.

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

The NCJFCJ is dedicated to serving the nation’s children and families by improving the courts of juvenile and family jurisdictions. Their mission is to better the justice system through education and applied research and improve the standards, practices and effectiveness of the juvenile court system.

100 West Harrison St., North Tower, Suite 500

Seattle, WA 98119

PHONE: (206) 270-0072, (800) 628-3233

FAX: (206) 270-0078



URL: (for professionals)

Provides training, legal research, fundraising, public awareness, and government relations services to local court appointed special advocates and child welfare professionals. CASA trained community volunteers (also known as Volunteer Guardian Ad Litems) help judges make better informed decisions about abused and neglected children.

3050 Central Ave.

Toledo , OH 43606-1700

PHONE: (419) 535-3232

FAX: (419) 535-1989



Provides education, intervention, and support to families affected by child maltreatment. Produces prevention materials.

National Institute of Mental Health

A wide array of information about mental health issues, for the public, clinicians, and researchers, including their National Institute of Mental Health Anxiety Disorders webpage .

National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization

An organization of diverse individuals committed through research, education, advocacy and activism to the prevention, treatment, and elimination of all forms of sexual victimization of boys and men


510 King Street, Suite 424,

Alexandria, VA 22314

PHONE: 1-800-TRY-NOVA or (703) 535-NOVA


Assists children and adult victims of family violence with a 24-hour hotline and short-term counseling; maintains information clearinghouse; and provides training and technical assistance to State and local programs.

2000 M Street, NW, Suite 480

Washington, DC20036

Phone: 202-467-8753

Fax: 202-467-8701

Hotline: 800-FYI-CALL


Provides technical support to attorneys representing crime victims in civil suits, referring crime victims to lawyers in their local area, and increasing general awareness about the availability of civil remedies for victims of crime.

675 West Foothill Blvd., Suite 220

Claremont , CA 91711

PHONE: (909) 621-6184

FAX: (909) 625-6304



Leads mutual support groups for parents. Helps parents to provide nurturing environments for their families.

Ken Pope’s Abstracts & Articles on Therapy

Dr. Pope provides free online access to his peer-reviewed research on such topics as false memory syndrome, recovered memory, malpractice, cross-examination, pseudoscience, and ethics.

200 South Michigan Ave., 17th Floor

Chicago, IL 60604

PHONE: (800) 835-2671 (orders)

(312) 663-3520

FAX: (312) 939-8962



Conducts prevention activities such as public awareness campaigns, advocacy, networking, research, and publishing. Provides information and statistics on child abuse and maintains an extensive publications list.

14 Fifth Avenue #G1

New York, NY 10011

Telephone: 212-533-0345

Personal website of Richard Gartner, PhD, a psychologist and psychoanalyst who specializes in the treatment of sexually abused men.

Sidran Traumatic Stress Foundation

A nonprofit charitable organization devoted to education, advocacy, and research to benefit people who are suffering from injuries of traumatic stress.

National Office

Contact: Barbara Blaine, President

Phone: (312) 409-2720

Address: PO Box 6416, Chicago,IL 60680


SNAP is a self-help organization of men and women who were sexually abused by spiritual elders (Catholic priests, brothers, nuns, ministers, teachers, etc).

Thomas Legislative Information on the Internet

Treatment 4 Addiction

One of the net’s most comprehensive and frequently updated treatment center directory in the United States. This national directory of treatment centers includes the SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) database, as well as many private treatment centers, therapists and addiction professionals. Also provides articles, videos and blogs on types of treatment, addictions, and mental health disorders.

US Department of HHS Administration for Children & Families

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for federal programs which promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities.

U.S. Department of Justice

Charles Whitfield’s Website

A pioneer in trauma recovery, including the way we remember childhood and other trauma and abuse, Dr. Whitfield is the author of over fifty published articles and six best selling books on trauma psychology and recovery.