Amicus Briefs and Letters
Amicus Letters, Briefs, or Declarations by the Leadership Council.
Legal Commentary
Unfair Double Standard On Expert Testimony By Wendy Murphy, JD
Problems with “Not a Pedophile” Evidence: Legal memorandum which reviews the evidence offered by the defendant in a civil child sexual abuse and argues that the defense expert’s conclusions that the defendant is “not a pedophile” based on the results of a sexual behaviors assessment is unreliable and inadmissible under Daubert . By Attorney Susan K. Smith
Legal Article:Expert Psychiatrists and Comments on Witness Credibility by Pamela K. Sutherland and Delia J. Henderson. Expert commentary on credibility; bolstering; maligning victims through diagnosis. Orginally published in Trial Magazine, the authors argue that policies that prohibit positive commentary on credibility, or witness “bolstering,” should also apply to negative commentary on witnesses’ credibility in the form of pejorative and false diagnoses.
Legal Article: Debunking ‘false memory” myths in sexual abuse cases by Wendy J. Murphy
Legal Article:Murphy, Wendy. Minimizing the likelihood of discovery of victim’s counseling records and other personal information in criminal cases: Massachusetts gives a nod to a Constitutional right to confidentiality. New England Law Review, 32(4), 1998.

Legal Updates
Sexual Violence Legal News Online
Published by the Center for Law and Social Responsibility at the New England School of Law
Legal & Legislative Update
excerpted from the Family Violence & Sexual Assault Bulletin a publication of the of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute in San Diego, CA